The Most Prestigious Women in Business Awards

Golden Women Awards recognise and reward the excellent performing Womens from 20+ industries around the world. If you believe your Women team is the best in your industry then it's time to showcase to the world. Nominations are open for all regions such as Asia, America, Europe, UK, Middle East, Africa & Oceania.

About the Awards

Celebrating Outstanding Women Achievers!

The GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award is a prestigious event that celebrates the remarkable accomplishments of women in various fields. From business leaders to community activists, these exceptional women have made significant contributions and deserve to be recognized for their achievements. This annual event not only highlights their success but also serves as an inspiration for others to strive for greatness.

Whether it's in the realm of entrepreneurship, arts, or philanthropy, these women have shattered glass ceilings and continue to make a lasting impact. Join us as we honor these trailblazers and discover the inspiring stories behind their accomplishments.


Nominations are Open Now.

Let the world know you are the Leader

Women in Technology Awards
Every year, the Women in Tech Awards celebrate the amazing women who are breaking barriers and making a difference in the technology industry. If you are a woman working in technology, this is your opportunity to shine and show the world your impressive work and accomplishments ...
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Women of the Year Award
The Women of the Year award holds a prestigious reputation as it singles out women who have stood in the face of adversity, taken charge with unyielding determination, and have made significant strides in their chosen paths. Those who receive this esteemed award find themselves among a distinguished group of women...
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Awards for Female Entrepreneurs
Achieving recognition as a standout business leader is an accomplishment that will not only propel your career trajectory but will also thrust your organization into the spotlight. If you are a chief executive officer based in the Middle East, there is no better recognition platform than the Middle East CEO Awards.
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Women in Business Awards
It's undeniable that women are forging ahead in all business sectors, consistently shattering barriers, and establishing new standards for their peers. However, it's a disappointing truth that despite these incredible strides, many of these women remain unrecognized within their industries...
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Award Gala Ceremony Photos

here are few of the gala ceremony photos organised by Golden Tree Awards team

2023 Featured Winners

Chahrazed Aggoun El Khoury


United Arab Emirates

Winning Category

Best Woman CEO - Real Estate

Marlise K Nail Academy & Products AG
Marlise Kölliker

Marlise K Nail Academy & Products AG


Winning Category

Best Woman Entrepreneur - Cosmetics & Beauty

GEMS Cambridge International School Abu Dhabi
Khadidja Bessoltane

GEMS Cambridge International School Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

Winning Category

Best Emerging Woman Leader - Education

King Abdulaziz Medical City

King Abdulaziz Medical City

Saudi Arabia

Winning Category

Most Inspiring Woman - Health Care

BNP Paribas Wealth Management
Amirah Mansour Nazer

BNP Paribas Wealth Management

Saudi Arabia

Winning Category

Best Emerging Woman Leader - Finance

Killer Press
Claudia Scheffler-Perrone

Killer Press


Winning Category

Most Inspiring Woman - Education

Iosis Spa & Wellness PVT LTD
Kiran Bawa

Iosis Spa & Wellness PVT LTD


Winning Category

Most Inspiring Woman - Wellness

Dr LF Mhlongo inc T\A Numa
Dr Lungile Mhlongo

Dr LF Mhlongo inc T\A Numa

South Africa

Winning Category

Best Young Woman Entrepreneur - Cosmetics & Beauty

Blush n curls ladies salon & spa
Lavanya Vikram Kokane

Blush n curls ladies salon & spa

United Arab Emirates

Winning Category

Best Young Woman CEO - Salon

Red Maples Digital
Zeinab Al-Obaidi

Red Maples Digital


Winning Category

Best Young Woman Entrepreneur - Marketing & Advertising

Edmond de rothschild
Fatima Asad

Edmond de rothschild

United Arab Emirates

Winning Category

Best Managing Director - Finance

Oman Air
Sharifa Khanam

Oman Air


Winning Category

Best Young Woman Achiever - Aviation

Walaa Jamal Helwani


Saudi Arabia

Winning Category

Best Managing Director - Marketing & Advertising

The Buzihub
Rachel Seif

The Buzihub

United Arab Emirates

Winning Category

Most Inspiring Woman - Information Technology

Nominate Your Women Team Now !!!

Golden Women Awards recognise and reward the excellent performing women team from 20+ industries around the world.

GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award

The GTA Golden Women Awards is an esteemed event that aims to recognize and honor outstanding women achievers in various fields. This prestigious award ceremony celebrates the success and empowerment of women, highlighting their remarkable contributions to society. Let's delve into the significance and impact of the Women Achievers Award section at the GTA Golden Women Awards.

Recognizing Outstanding Women Achievers

The Women Achievers Award holds a significant place in the GTA Golden Women Awards. It serves as a platform to acknowledge the exceptional accomplishments of women who have excelled in their respective domains. From business leaders and entrepreneurs to artists, activists, and philanthropists, this award recognizes women from diverse backgrounds who have made a mark through their hard work, dedication, and innovation.

Celebrating Success and Empowerment

The Women Achievers Award is a celebration of success and empowerment. It puts a spotlight on women who have overcome obstacles, shattered glass ceilings, and emerged as role models for others. Through this award, the GTA Golden Women Awards not only applauds their achievements but also inspires and motivates future generations of women to strive for excellence, follow their dreams, and push boundaries.

The award ceremony provides a platform for these exceptional women to share their stories, experiences, and insights. It creates a supportive and empowering environment that fosters camaraderie and collaboration among women from different walks of life. The event serves as a catalyst for networking and building connections, enabling women to learn from each other's journeys and forge valuable alliances.

Importance of Women's Achievements

Recognizing women's achievements is crucial for building an inclusive society and breaking gender stereotypes. The Women Achievers Award section at the GTA Golden Women Awards helps challenge societal norms and perceptions by showcasing the remarkable feats accomplished by women. It reinforces the message that gender is not a barrier to success and that women have the power and potential to excel in any field they choose.

By highlighting women's achievements, the GTA Golden Women Awards not only honors individual accomplishments but also promotes gender equality and empowerment on a broader scale. It sends a powerful message to society, encouraging the recognition and appreciation of women's contributions, talents, and skills across various domains.

In conclusion, the Women Achievers Award section at the GTA Golden Women Awards plays a vital role in recognizing outstanding women achievers, celebrating their success and empowerment, and highlighting the importance of women's achievements. It serves as a platform to inspire, motivate, and empower women while fostering a more inclusive and equal society.

We’re offering

Why Golden Women Awards

The CEO is a key person who drives the leadership team and takes the company and their products to new big heights. There is no doubt that their innovation, skills, and hard work plays a vital role for the company's growth. There are various benefits in participating at Golden Women awards.

Certified Level of Quality
Each winner will get a certificate to comprehend their accomplishment and attest to their quality service.
Global Reputation
Increase your worldwide clientele by winning the Golden Women Awards with a massive global reach.
Web Profile
We showcase each winner’s firm biography on our award website, which adds tremendous value and credibility to our clients.
Winner's Speech
All winners will have the opportunity to submit their victory speech and interview for inclusion on the Golden Women Awards website.
10-Years of Recognition
All winners will have the opportunity to submit their victory speech and interview for inclusion on the Golden Women Awards website.
Increase your brand's visibility and credibility
Increase your worldwide clientele by winning the Golden Women Awards with a massive global reach.

Award Categories

  • Best Emerging Women Leader
  • Best HR Professional
  • Best Innovative Women
  • Best PR & Marketing Professional
  • Best Women CEO
  • Best Women Entrepreneur
  • Best Women Leader
  • Best Young Women Achiever
  • Best Young Women CEO
  • Best Young Women Entrepreneur
  • Most Inspiring Women

GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award

Criteria and Selection Process

Recognizing and honoring the incredible achievements of women in various fields, the GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award is an esteemed event that celebrates exceptional talent and contributions. In this section, we will delve into the meticulous criteria and selection process followed by this prestigious award.

Judging Panel

The judging panel for the GTA Golden Women Awards consists of a diverse group of experts, leaders, and influencers who possess deep knowledge and experience in their respective fields. These esteemed individuals bring a wealth of expertise and credibility to the selection process, ensuring a fair and comprehensive evaluation of the nominees.

Categories and Eligibility

The GTA Golden Women Awards cover a wide range of categories, encompassing fields such as business, healthcare, technology, arts, social impact, and more. Each category has its own set of criteria, tailored to highlight and appreciate the unique accomplishments within that field. From emerging talents to established professionals, the awards recognize women at every stage of their careers.

To be eligible for the Women Achievers Award, nominees must be women who have made significant contributions and demonstrated exceptional achievements in their respective industries or communities. The awards aim to celebrate women who have broken barriers, shattered glass ceilings, and left an indelible impact in their fields of expertise.

Nomination Process

The nomination process for the Women Achievers Award begins with an open call for submissions. The public, including colleagues, friends, and admirers, are encouraged to nominate deserving women who have made a remarkable difference in their fields. Nominees can also self-nominate by providing a comprehensive application that showcases their achievements, contributions, and aspirations.

Evaluation and Selection

Once the nomination period closes, the judging panel undertakes a rigorous evaluation process to select the final awardees. The panel meticulously reviews each nomination, considering the impact, innovation, leadership, and dedication demonstrated by the nominees. The evaluation is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, ensuring that each nominee receives a thorough and unbiased assessment.

The panel's deliberation involves a careful analysis of the nominee's accomplishments, their influence within their industry or community, and the lasting impression of their work. After thoughtful consideration, the panel selects the winners who exemplify the highest standards of excellence and serve as an inspiration for future generations of women achievers.

In conclusion, the GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award follows a stringent process in order to highlight the exceptional achievements of women across various fields. The judging panel, categories, nomination process, and evaluation ensure that the most deserving women receive the recognition they deserve. Stay tuned for more sections and insights about this prestigious event!


Don't take our words. Listen to the winners what they say about our awards.

Nominate Your
Women Team Now !!!

Golden Women Awards recognise and reward the excellent performing women team from 20+ industries around the world.

Future of the GTA Golden Women Awards

The GTA Golden Women Awards have established themselves as a platform that celebrates and recognizes the achievements of women in various fields. As the awards successfully continue to gain prominence, the future of the event looks extremely promising. Let's explore the exciting prospects and plans for the future of the GTA Golden Women Awards.

Growth and Expansion

With each passing year, the GTA Golden Women Awards have witnessed significant growth, both in terms of participation and recognition. The event has successfully created a strong community of women achievers who inspire and empower one another. Moving forward, the organizers are determined to expand the reach of the awards, targeting a wider audience and bringing together women from diverse backgrounds and industries.

The future growth of the GTA Golden Women Awards will also involve exploring partnerships with like-minded organizations and sponsors, ensuring increased visibility and support for the event. By fostering collaborations, the awards will be able to leverage valuable resources and provide even more opportunities for women to showcase their talents and accomplishments.

Continued Support for Women Achievers

One of the core objectives of the GTA Golden Women Awards is to provide ongoing support for women achievers. In the future, the organizers plan to establish mentorship programs, networking events, and workshops that will enable winners and nominees to further enhance their skills and knowledge. This continued support system will ensure that the impact of the awards goes beyond a one-time recognition and truly helps women excel in their respective fields.

Furthermore, the GTA Golden Women Awards will actively engage with past winners and nominees, building a strong alumni network where women can connect, collaborate, and support each other throughout their professional journeys. By nurturing these valuable connections, the awards will create a lasting legacy of empowered women who continue to make a difference in their industries.

Plans for Recognition and Empowerment

The future of the GTA Golden Women Awards is centered on recognizing and empowering women in innovative ways. The organizers plan to introduce new award categories that reflect the changing landscape of achievement and success. These categories will ensure that women from various sectors, professions, and age groups are acknowledged for their exceptional contributions.

To further amplify the impact of the awards, the GTA Golden Women Awards intend to collaborate with media outlets and influential platforms, ensuring extensive coverage and visibility for the winners and nominees. This increased exposure will not only shine a spotlight on their achievements but also inspire aspiring women to strive for greatness.

Additionally, the GTA Golden Women Awards are exploring the concept of an annual conference or summit, where women can come together to share their expertise, experiences, and insights. This platform will serve as a catalyst for knowledge exchange and empower women with valuable resources and connections.

In conclusion, the future of the GTA Golden Women Awards is bright and filled with incredible possibilities. With plans for growth, continued support, and innovative recognition, the awards are set to leave an indelible mark by celebrating the achievements of women and empowering them to reach new heights. Watch out for the forthcoming events, as they promise to be awe-inspiring showcases of female excellence.

The GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award celebrates the accomplishments of remarkable women who have made significant contributions to their fields. Through this prestigious event, these women are recognized for their hard work, determination, and dedication. As we have seen, this award not only acknowledges their achievements but also serves as a platform to inspire and empower other women to reach for their dreams. The GTA Golden Women Awards - Women Achievers Award is a testament to the incredible talent and strength of women in various industries, and it is a celebration of their invaluable contributions to society. Congratulations to all the deserving recipients of this esteemed accolade!
